"...is being successful really that difficult? Well, yes it is. It will require a lot of you... But do we tend to over complicate the process? I believe they boil down to these five attributes, which when worked on individually, result in successful outcomes." - Mike Templeman
Do we really need more successful people? Careful that you answer the right question. I didn't ask whether or not the world needs more people that are successful. The question is whether or not we need more people who are successful at being--that is, successfully living rightly.
Something else Templeman prompts us to grapple with is the definition of success. He doesn't presume that we're all aiming at having the most, or being the best. His broader definition seems quite appropriate: "the accomplishment of an aim or purpose." In other words, we are not bound by the common interpretation of success (i.e. wealth, extravagance), but instead are encouraged to view this more broadly and meaningfully.
What then should be our aim or purpose, and how can we avoid being just a 'person of success'? Here are 3 steps to consider:
1. It's about being, then doing. Who we are comes before what we do, and it necessarily begs the question: Who are we? Answering that is a fundamental exercise in understanding who God has created us to be.
2. Define success--for you. We stand accountable for how we define it, as well as how we get there.
3. Build a foundation for success. The first two points will be the motivation and underlying support for implementing the attributes Templeman identified: Trustworthy, Work Ethic, Critical Thinking, Short Memories, and Desire.
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