"I can now try to marry Hollywood’s desire to get to a faith-based audience, and try to get us as people of faith wanting to have films made that have broader reach and have high production value.” - David Oyelowo, actor
We'll need to wait and see what that ends up looking like, but I do look forward to that day, and what that could mean for the gospel. In the meantime, what if we were to pose that same question to ourselves? What does our presentation of the gospel look like? How might we increase or improve our 'production quality?' Are we willing to have the same expectation of ourselves that we do of Hollywood with how the truth is presented?
Given the importance of the 'what' (the Gospel - God's Good News), shouldn't there be great effort put toward the 'how' (our presentation)? What would Hollywood find if they decided to research your life to see how the gospel should be presented? Be sure to read the full post for some additional insight and probing questions.